Data driven investments
Data science for private equity, hedge funds, institutional investors, family offices and corporate ventures
Alpha generating deals and higher IRRs
Discover your next investment target through Artificial Intelligence. Identify any significant special situations, distressed assets, and events like succession issues, divestitures, turnaround, bankruptcies, layoffs, antitrust, pension issues, filings, controversies, at an early stage.
Disruption in General Partners Operating Model
Private Equity and Institutional Investors that provide private capital often have to work in a collaborative environment, managing the deal flow, characterized by an ad-hoc approach based on the criteria of the future Investment. Limited partners are now directly investing or co-investing along with private equity firms, yielding better returns, and lower fee for them which in turn is putting pressure on General partners operating model.
Stressed Situations & Distressed Balance Sheets
There is an increasing volume of big data that is now available both – internally & externally, for identifying deals & opportunities, especially when companies and financial insitutions are more and more stressed on the balance sheet, facing special situations and seeking distressed funding across the entire capital structure.
Large Number of Deals and Noisy Signals
Identifying, capturing and monitoring appropriate indicators of the potential deals, through the life cycle of an investment, controlling and comparing different indicators, managing investor relationship, compliance, controlling and personalised reporting from the Investor perspective, are the areas where Fund Managers and Multi Family Offices are struggling to streamline the research operations and handle the sheer number of deals flowing through the pipeline.
Customized Products and Demanding Investors
Moreover, private clients & institutional investors are now demanding customized products, such as buyouts, growth funds, and other investment vehicles like credit, and real assets to align with their investment mandates and yield targets. They are seeking transparency throughout the investment lifecycle.
Deep Insights for Investment Decisions
We provide the tools needed to make data-driven investment decisions, and we augment your industry knowledge with the deep insights offered by machine learning and digital transformation.
Deliver Performance
Augment the investment decision making processes, make smarter decisions, more efficiently, and help the portfolio companies and the company management deliver performance.
Faster Value Creation
Reduce the cost and complexity throughout the investment process, improving time-to-value. Better match the pressure and time constraints of private equity ownership.
Win Investments
Win investments from institutional clients, family offices, private investors through comprehensive investment cases.
Deal Opportunities
Identify distressed companies and illiquid assets yielding high returns, much faster and highlight potential opportunities to your investors.
Scour hundreds of deals and generate superior returns
Through Machine Learning & Big Data Analytics, we help early in the investment process in deal sourcing, drive value creation faster and ensure superior investment returns for your clients.
Our models scour and evaluate hundreds of deals and bring together the best of breed in each investment category. You can identify deals before they are available broadly, and recognise early and weak signals of potential deals. Through our proprietary artificial intelligence models, scan deep and wide and generate board-ready, comprehensive investment cases.
Assess the investment portfolios through an end-to-end approach. Coordinate internal resources and the best external data on the underlying portfolio & assets, due-diligence & legal analysis, investee assessments.
For complex valuations and estimation processes, we help you leverage from noisy and incomplete data sources. You can predict important metrics such as multiples and cash flows. Get more confidence in ascertaining the valuation from the model outputs, with a differentiated view of investments’s intrinsic value, and a better foundation for entry valuations, value creating and exit timing.
Optimise the investment processes through an integrated data model. Cover the entire value chain in distressed deals, including online auctioning of distressed assets, from due-diligence through to asset proposals.
Identify hypotheses for each deal around growth potential, customers, products, channels. De-risk investments by ensuring the underlying assets make their short-term numbers. Get alerts on any gaps in the short term numbers post deal-closure to make up for the deficit needed. Achieve higher value creation by quantifying the upside between best and worst customers, SKUs, and channel segments. Benchmark these opportunities across different metrics and industries.
Machine Learning for Private Equity and Hedge Funds
Digital Transformation for Alternative Investment Funds
Initial evaluation, scrutiny of financial statements, cash flows, earnings and performance reports, and getting insights into your investments, potential value creation, and expected future returns. Combining this with available unstructured data (business, legal, or financial) helps inform decisions and model risk, return, and exit strategies, besides speeding up due diligence and execution of deals.